Submission Guidelines
Submitting your creations into the Virtual Exhibition is simple! Here is a step-by-step approach to how YOU can become a part of EcoVISION.
Take a clear picture of your artwork, or save it to your device
The first step is to take a high-quality photo of your piece, or, if you are drawing it digitally, save the artwork to your device.
For the best quality, we recommend that you place the piece upright against the wall to prevent shadows and take the photo in natural lighting. For more information, check out this article!
If you are drawing the piece digitally, we recommend saving the picture in a PNG format, as it gives the highest resolution.
Write a brief artist statement
We want to know what your piece is about, why you drew it, and its connections to our theme: Imagining the Future. So, in no more than 200 words, write a description of your artwork and its meaning!
Hint: Our judges will be looking through the artist statements when judging, so make sure that your piece is creative and meaningful!
Email the piece and artist statement to us, with the following information
This is the most important step - submitting your piece to this email:
Here is what you need to include:
- Your name
- Your age and school grade
- Your school
- Your artist statement
- Artwork description (eg: Graphite Sketch, Acrylic Painting, Clay Sculpture, etc.)
- Your contact phone number (can be your parent's if you don't have one yourself)
- A JPEG or PNG file of your artwork
Once the piece has been submitted, we will reply with a confirmation! If you do not receive a confirmation within a week, feel free to email us with a reminder!
Reach out to us if you have any questions!
Our team is always available to answer any inquiries you might have! If you would like to contact us, email us at projectprovisionhk, or message us via Instagram @projectprovisionhk